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您当前的位置:首页 >> 职位搜索 >> 深圳市巨万阳光食品股份有限公司
         深圳市巨万阳光食品股份有限公司(以下简称巨万阳光, 网址: www.kuwan.com)成立于2006年12月, 是深圳市盈信创业投资股份有限公司(以下简称盈信, 网址: www.ginkgo.net.cn)的全资子公司, 盈信为投资控股型企业, 成立于2003年4月3日(其前身是1996年创立的深圳市巨万实业股份有限公司)。2006年1月成为深圳市商业联合会创会副会长单位, 目前盈信对外投资金额超过40亿元, 盈信雄厚的资金实力为巨万阳光的发展提供了强大的后盾。 Founded in December 2006, Shenzhen KUWAN Sunshine Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as KUWAN Sunshine, website: www.kuwan.com) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen GINKGO Venture Capital Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GINKGO, website: www.ginkgo.net.cn). Founded in April 3, 2003, GINKGO is an investment holdings enterprise and its forerunner is Shenzhen KUWAN Industrial Co., Ltd., which was founded in 1996. In January 2006, GINKGO became the founding deputy chairman unit of Shenzhen General Chamber of Commerce; currently, its overseas investment amount exceeds RMB 2 billion Yuan and its solid capital strength provides powerful backing for development of KUWAN Sunshine. 巨万阳光的主营业务为高端食用油的研发和高端品牌的打造与营销, 目前旗下拥有“犀牛”(橄榄油等高端食用油)和“优蜜”(麦卢卡蜂蜜)两大品牌, 产品销售遍及全国各大中城市, 受到广大消费者的喜爱和信任。 Main business of KUWAN Sunshine is research and development of high-end edible oil and building and marketing of high-end brands. Currently, KUWAN Sunshine has two major brands “Rhinoceros” (olive oil and other high-end edible oils) and “Babywell” (special formula edible oil for babies and infants); the products are widely sold to large and medium-sized cities in China, loved and trusted by the consumers. 目前犀牛橄榄油年销售额4000万以上, 销售网络遍布全国40多个省级一线城市, 商超系统达80多个, 上千家店铺销售犀牛特级初榨橄榄油。巨万阳光总部特设贸易部和研发部, 专注于对橄榄油的研究, 与世界各地橄榄油研究机构和贸易部门建立长期合作, 驻外工作人员达上百人。 Currently, annual sales volume of Rhinoceros olive oil is over RMB 40 million Yuan; sales network spreads over 80 shopping malls and supermarkets in over 40 provincial first-tier cities in China; over one thousand stores sell Rhinoceros extra virgin olive oil. Headquarters of KUWAN Sunshine has specially set up Trading Department and R has established a long-term cooperation with olive oil research institutes and trading departments around the world; its staff stationed abroad reaches over 100. 犀牛橄榄油的使命Mission of Rhinoceros Olive Oil 保护您的心脏, 责无旁贷的推广橄榄油的使用! 使用犀牛品牌得到顾客、员工、股东和社会的高度认同! To protect your heart, there is no shirking the responsibility for promoting the use of olive oil! Make Rhinoceros receive high recognition of customers, employees, shareholders and society! 犀牛橄榄油的发展战略Development Strategy of Rhinoceros Olive Oil 通过对橄榄油的深度研究, 塑造犀牛的权威专家形象。以创新有效的市场经营策略和最高标准的品质要求, 不断提升犀牛的品牌价值, 形成企业的核心竞争力! Through deep research of olive oil, build up the authoritative expert image of Rhinoceros. With innovative and effective business strategy and the highest standard of quality requirements, continuously upgrade the brand value of Rhinoceros and form the core competence of the enterprise! 犀牛橄榄油的经营目标Business Objective of Rhinoceros Olive Oil 未来三年, 努力编制好全国性的稳定高效的分销网络体系, 让顾客认识犀牛、了解犀牛、相信犀牛! 使犀牛成为橄榄油行业领导者! We will make great efforts to work out the nationwide stable and highly efficient distribution network system in the coming three years. Make the customers know and trust Rhinoceros, make Rhinoceros become the leader of olive oil industry! 犀牛橄榄油的价值观Value of Rhinoceros Olive Oil 开放: 秉承开放、包容、学习的心态, 制度规范, 依法经营 Openness: Stick to the mind of openness, forgiveness and learning, standardize the system and operate in accordance with law. 坦诚: 坦诚沟通、坦率交流、共享共担、团队合作 Honesty: Open communication, frank exchange, shared rights and shared responsibilities, teamwork. 责任: 对人们的健康、企业的贡献、个人人生和社会回报要有强烈的责任感 Responsibility: Has a strong sense of responsibility for human health, contribution to the enterprise, personal life and social return. 激情: 永不言弃、乐观向上, 让生命彰显精彩 Passion: Never give up, optimistic, make the life display brilliance. 服务: 敬业爱岗、欣赏客户, 在价值分享的基础上认真细致地做好服务 Service: Cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work, appreciate the customers, do well the service carefully and in detail on the basis of value sharing. 期待您的加盟! team welcome you and look forward to your joining!
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  • 2014-08-06
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