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         >About Us“Talents Consultant Co.,Ltd” is a head hunting company specialized in fields of Engineering, Mechanics, Automation and other industrial sectors.Founders of TALENTS had being working in machinery engineering company of foreign venture and consultancy company for many years, hundreds candidates of high and middle level in industrial field have been successfully recommended to client companies.Meanwhile, as a consultant company dedicated to special field, its speciality and expertise are guaranteed by technical and management experts from each field. With support from these experts, special requirements from customer can be comprehended efficiently and accurately, and, with help of their network in industrial field, candidate meeting requirements can be found quickly.Talents Consultant Co.,Ltd With our consultants’ expertise and extensive network of potential candidates, Shanghai Talents Consultants Ltd has being dedicating itself in providing human resources consultant service to companies and candidates in industrial field.? For customers: Based on accurate analysis on position market and diversified channel for candidates, TALENTS will recommend suitable candidate to customer in short time. Besides, Talents can also provide other consultancy service such as salary evaluation for specific position, talents distribution for specific field, candidate background verification and etc.? For candidates: TALENTS have established long term cooperation with some world famous entities in industrial field, current opening positions range from RD to Sales, from finance to HR and almost all other related. With industrial background of TALENTS’S consultant team, they will help candidates find suitable position in the pool of opening positions.Our Vision We hope, with help of our industrial experience and knowledge, client customer will find staff with more value, and candidate will be provided with better developing platform.We hope, TALENTS will be the most influential consultancy company in industrial field.Our Mission To be a bridge between industrial companies and candidates in ChinaFields to be focused: 1. Mechanic engineering 5. Electrical and automation 2. Chemical engineering 6. Traffic and building construction 3. Pharmaceutical engineering 7. Energy and environment protection 4. Food BeverageJob Functions to be focused: Design, Fabrication, Management, Procurement, QC/QA, Sales, Marketing, Finance, HR, etc上海泰锐仕企业管理咨询有限公司是一家致力于工程、机械和电气自动化等工业其他领域的专业人力资源顾问公司。 目前泰锐仕的主要服务的业务领域: 1. 机械工程 5. 电气自动化 2. 化工工程 6. 交通建筑 3. 制药工程 7. 能源环保 4. 食品饮料目前泰锐仕的主要推荐职位的职能包括: 设计,制造,管理,采购,质检, 销售,市场, 财务,人力资源等。 我们的愿望 我们希望,基于我们的行业经验和专业知识, 为客户企业寻找到最具价值的雇员, 同时也为候选人提供更合适自身发展的平台, 我们希望, 成为中国工业领域最具影响力的人才咨询服务供应商. 我们的使命 成为中国工业领域企业与人才之间的桥梁
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