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您当前的位置:首页 >> 职位搜索 >> 贝朗医疗(上海)国际贸易有限公司
         > About B. Braun B. Braun is one of the worlds leading suppliers of healthcare products. For almost 170 years, the family business started as a pharmacy and developed into a global hospital and medical supply company with subsidiaries in over 50 countries, over 32,000 employees, and sales of over 3.3 billion Euro in 2006. Our four divisions orient their products and services toward different medical fields: hospital, surgery, private practice (medical care and doctors offices), and extracorporeal blood treatment. The Hospital Care Division supplies hospitals with infusion and injection solutions, as well as disposable medical products. The Aesculap Division focuses on products and services for all of the core processes in surgery. The OPM (Out Patient Market) Division supplies medical products outside of the hospital market, as well as for chronically ill and long-term care patients. The Avitum Division combines the supply of medical products and services concerning extracorporeal blood treatment. In 2003, B. Braun announced its Corporate Tag Line "Sharing Expertise". Our claim expresses B. Braun company philosophy of innovation, efficiency and sustainability. It is a concept that is intended to guide our corporate activities for the foreseeable future. And in 2007, we strategize our business operation by the motto of "focus to the market, focus to the customer" as worldwide guideline to our business exposure and operation globally. For more information, please visit our website www.bbraun.com. B. Braun in China B. Braun Medical (Shanghai) Intl Trading Co., Ltd. was established in Dec 1999, which is now represented as the regional headquarter of B. Braun Medical Greater China. As the expansion of business operation, we have established branch offices in main cities such as Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shenyang, Wuhan, etc. with employed of totally 800+ employees. Through value delivered by our national logistic center which built at Wai Gai Qiao Bonded Area, we import our Groups products and distribute to different market places all over China. With the establishment of the Technical Service Centre in October 2000 in Shanghai, we have significantly improved our value-added service to our customers in China market. In addition, B. Braun wholly owns two manufacturing factories which had been built in Suzhou Industrial Park in 2004, and jointly owned manufacturing factory in Shenyang since 1997. All these efforts will definitely strengthened our overall competition capability in delivering service and solution to our customers in China market not only for the short term objective but also with the long term commitment as well. Your Career with B. Braun We have set the highest standards for everything we do – not only for the quality of our products and services but also for the underlying values of our business. So it is natural that we feel a special obligation to the people who are employed at B. Braun. Without the technical, professional and leadership capability of our employees, the company would not be where we are today and where we are going to be next in the future. Their dedication and innovative capacity are the basis for the success of B. Braun. We therefore place a high value on training and continuous development – in the context of our future – oriented human resources management and development philosophy. So if youre looking for new challenges in a company that working among people who hold the professional belief and competency; delivering professional value to the customers; cooperating with professional partners, we would sincerely invite you to have a look at what opportunities B. Braun can offer you. In B. Braun, we share knowledge and know-how. We share ideas and insights. We share improvements and advancements. We share passion and commitment. At B. Braun, we share expertise. Welcome to join us, sharing expertise, sharing your successful life! 关于贝朗 贝朗集团成立于1839年,是世界知名的专业医疗设备、医药产品以及手术周边产品供应商之一。贝朗公司在建立和传递医疗专业知识方面有着悠久的历史和传统。秉承致力于医疗现代化、持续创新及以客户为导向的理念,贝朗集团从160年前的医药零售店发展为今天在全球50多个国家建立了分支机构,并拥有32,000名员工的专业医疗保健公司。 贝朗集团包括四个核心事业部: - 医药部:提供全面的输液治疗方案 - 蛇牌部:是外科的伙伴 - 护理产品部:为院外病人提供产品和咨询服务 - 透析部:提供透析治疗系统 2003年, 公司发布了新的企业口号 – “专业共享”。 创新、效率及持续帮助我们传达“专业共享”的理念和承诺。贝朗品牌信守这样的承诺:通过对公司内、外专业知识技能的传播,服务和满足医疗行业与广大患者的需求,并将持续通过共享来拓展这些专业知识和技能。2007年,我们以 “关注市场,关注客户“作为全球业务运作的指导方针,并进行战略性规划和调整。 贝朗在中国 贝朗医疗(上海)国际贸易有限公司成立于1999年12月,是贝朗医疗大中国区总部。随着公司扩展,我们在中国主要城市如北京,成都,广州,香港,沈阳,武汉等地设有分支机构,共有员工800多人。 通过外高桥保税区的物流中心,我们得以进口集团公司的产品并实现在中国地区的配送。于2000年10月设立的技术服务中心则为中国地区的客户提供了更好的售后服务。此外,贝朗于2004年在苏州工业园成立了2个全资工厂,于1997年在沈阳成立合资工厂。 所有的努力都不断加强贝朗在中国市场为客户提供服务和解决方案的竞争能力,以达成其短期目标和长期承诺。 获取更多信息,请访问我们的网站www.bbraun.com。 坚持专业分享的贝朗,邀请您一起开拓崭新的未来! 在这里,您将有机会接受专业的培训! 在这里,您定能分享成长的喜悦! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 关于贝朗医疗大中华区招聘广告的声明书 贝朗集团于1839年诞生于德国的梅尔松根,现已成为全球医疗行业的领先者。目前,贝朗集团在中国大中华区独资设立了五家公司,分别是贝朗医疗(上海)国际贸易有限公司、贝朗爱敦(上海)贸易有限公司、贝朗(中国)投资有限公司、贝朗医疗(苏州)有限公司及德国贝朗医疗有限公司(合称“贝朗”)。贝朗注意到近期有某些招聘网站、职业中介机构发布贝朗对外招聘的不实信息,为避免广大求职者的权益受到侵害以及维护贝朗自身权益,贝朗医疗大中华区代表前述五家公司及其各分公司、办事处等在此郑重声明如下: 1. 贝朗在大中华区的招聘信息仅授权北京网聘咨询有限公司上海分公司、前锦网络信息技术(上海)有限公司、苏州工业园区人才资讯科技有限公司于智联招聘网站(http://www.zhaopin.com/,授权期限自2012年2月23日起至2013年2月22日止)、前程无忧网站(http://www.51job.com/,授权期限2012年2月21日起至2013年2月21日止)、O-HR圆才网站(http://www.o-hr.cn/,授权期限2012年4月5日起至2013年4月4日止)上公布,未曾授权、委托或与其他任何职业中介机构或网站合作发布任何关于贝朗的招聘信息。 2. 除智联招聘网站及前程无忧网站在上述授权期限内发布的关于贝朗医疗大中华区的招聘信息外,其他任何网站、职业中介机构发布的相关招聘信息均为虚假信息,且贝朗在招聘过程中,不会向求职者收取任何费用。贝朗特此提请广大求职者注意上述信息,避免个人信息的泄露和其他损失。 3. 同时,贝朗敬请某些招聘网站、职业中介机构恪守职业道德,未经贝朗书面授权不得发布任何相关招聘信息并借此获取求职者个人信息和收取费用,由此产生的争议贝朗概不承担任何法律责任。同时,贝朗保留追究不实信息发布者法律责任的权利。 声明人:贝朗医疗大中华区人力资源部 日期:2012年6月19日
  • 技术服务工程师,透析
  • 2014-08-06
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