TORRES CHINA, a selection of the outstanding international family-owned wineries TORRES CHINA was established by Miguel Torres in 1997 with the integration of Baron Philippe de Rothschild as a key shareholder in 2007. TORRES CHINA carries out the commitment and passion of these two legendary European wine families, placing it amongst the leading wine distributors in China, with offices in seven major cities and over 400 wines from 14 countries. Excellent wines can only be born and raised in wine families. Our portfolio selects exclusively from the most renowned wine-producing regions and from families that present the best inheritance of winemaking. Our results exceeded any expectation, with 45% of our wine selection with 85+ points in worldwide authoritative publications such as Wine Spectator, Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate, etc… Our motivated and professional team has a passion to deliver excellence in everything we offer, including but not limited to wine expert advice and education, event planning and organization, wine accessories and preservation solutions. TORRES CHINA has built mutual trust with our clients and partners inclusive of major hotel chains, such as Hyatt, Marriott, Shangri-La, Starwood, Hilton, etc. In addition, we are the major wine supplier of notable fine dining outlets throughout China including those on the Bund and in Xin Tian Di in Shanghai; China World Summit Wing and Capital M in Beijing; No. 9 Garden and Laurel Group in South China, and the list goes on. Leading media such as China Daily and Modern Weekly have regularly featured the exceeding performance of TORRES CHINA. Moreover, the research conducted by Interbrand in 2008 shows TORRES is one of the Top 10 Spanish brands in China. We, TORRES CHINA, are passionate about the future and look forward to working with you. 桃乐丝中国 - 荟萃世界杰出家族葡萄酒酒庄品牌 桃乐丝中国由西班牙米高桃乐丝公司于1997年成立。2007年,法国罗思柴尔德男爵公司注资成为其重要股东之一。目前,已在中国七大主要城市设立了分公司和办事处,产品来自14个国家超过400个品种。传承着欧洲两大久负盛名的葡萄酒家族对葡萄酒事业的坚定信念和无限激情,桃乐丝中国现已跻身为中国葡萄酒业界的佼佼者。 优质的葡萄酒必定产自家族式酒庄。我们的产品仅选自世界著名的葡萄酒产区中具有优秀酿酒传统的家族。我们45%的产品在《葡萄酒鉴赏家》、罗伯特.帕克的《葡萄酒倡议者》等世界权威葡萄酒杂志上的评分不低于85分。 我们极具进取精神的专业化团队充满了为客户在各方面提供热忱服务的激情,包括提供专业的葡萄酒建议和培训、葡萄酒主题活动的规划和组织、专业酒杯和葡萄酒储藏解决方案等。 桃乐丝中国已同君悦、万豪、香格里拉、喜达屋、希尔顿等在内的世界知名酒店连锁建立了良好的合作,也是上海外滩及新天地地区餐饮名店、北京国贸大酒店、华南九号花园和丹桂轩的主要葡萄酒供应商。通过与社会各界的互信合作,我们的客户仍在不断增加。 桃乐丝中国在葡萄酒行业的卓越表现频频出现在《中国日报》和《周末画报》等数家主流权威媒体的报导中。此外,世界领先的品牌评估公司Interbrand的统计显示桃乐丝是“国内十佳西班牙品牌之一”。 桃乐丝中国致力于臻善完美的服务,并期待早日与您合作。