DB Schenker established its Hong Kong office in 1966. From an air freight agency it has grown to a multi-modal freight forwarding and logistics company offering land, air and ocean freight concepts as well as logistics services for trade fairs, relocations, projects, and large international sports events that keep our customers’ businesses moving ahead in this fast-paced world. DB Schenker was one of the first international forwarders to enter Mainland China in the late 1970’s and to open a Representative Office in Guangzhou in 1981. Today, DB Schenker has offices and logistics facilities in 37 major cities throughout China with over 3,600 employees working on advanced logistics solutions. Schenker China Ltd. delivers outstanding services to the greatest sporting event in the world. DB Schenker stands for the transport and logistics activities of Deutsche Bahn (German Rail). With a network of around 60,000 employees in about 2,000 locations around the world, DB Schenker Logistics combines the three business units Land Transport, Air-/Ocean Freight and Contract Logistics/SCM. DB Schenker is part of the Transportation and Logistics Division of Deutsche Bahn AG. 全球国际货运自1966年在香港成立分公司以来,一直稳健发展,已由一家航空货运代理发展成为多式联运及综合物流服务供应商,提供空运、海运、陆路运输、供应链管理、会展服务、搬迁及移民托运服务、项目工程物流及国际体育盛事物流服务等,结合全球完善的服务网络和领先的创新技术,使我们的客户在瞬息万变的市场环境下占尽先机、业务节节领先。 全球国际货运于70年代末进军中国市场,成为首批在中国开设办事处的主要国际货运代理供应商,并于1981年在广州成立了办事处。全球国际货运现已在中国37多个主要大中城市开设了办事处及仓储物流设施,员工逾3,600名,建立起一个跨越全中国的完善综合物流服务网络。 全球国际货运代理(中国)有限公司为世界最大型的体育盛事提供一流的服务。 全球国际货运是德国铁路集团的全资子公司,负责运输及物流项目,而总公司则设于德国埃森,自Gottfried Schenker先生1872年在维也纳创业以来,多年来一直秉承“一站式”服务的经营理念,为各国客户提供完善的物流管理方案。至今,在世界各地已设立超过2,000家分公司和办事处,雇员达60,000多名,而全球国际货运结合了陆路运输、空/海运及合同物流/供应链管理三个不同的业务单位,致力为业界提供物流管理服务,以配合客户所需。 如欲查询更多全球国际货运的资料,欢迎浏览:www.dbschenker.com.cn